formatting is bad on mobile sorry.
everything up until the hashing section is done
Fundamental data structures and memory concepts
- •Strings
- •Dynamic Memory Allocation
- •Arrays
- •Pointers
Linked Lists
Linear data structures with dynamic size
- •Singly Linked Lists
- •Doubly Linked Lists
- •Circular Lists
- •List Operations
Stacks & Queues
LIFO and FIFO data structures
- •Stack Operations
- •Queue Operations
- •Implementation Methods
- •Applications
Algorithm Analysis
Understanding computational complexity
- •Big-Oh Notation
- •Time Complexity
- •Space Complexity
- •Code Analysis
Binary Trees
Basic tree structures and operations
- •Tree Traversal
- •Tree Properties
- •Binary Search Trees
- •Tree Operations
AVL Trees
Self-balancing binary search trees
- •Balance Factor
- •Rotations
- •Insertion
- •Deletion
Binary & Bits
Binary operations and conversions
- •Binary Arithmetic
- •Bitwise Operators
- •Base Conversion
Hash tables and collision handling
- •Hash Functions
- •Collision Resolution
- •Hash Tables
- •Performance Analysis
Recursive problem solving
- •Recursive Functions
- •Base Cases
- •Call Stack
- •Recursive Analysis
Priority queues and heap operations
- •Heap Properties
- •Heap Operations
- •Heap Sort
- •Heap Applications
Tree-based data structures for efficient string operations
- •Prefix Trees
- •Trie Operations
- •Trie Applications
- •Trie Efficiency
Base Conversion
Converting between different number systems
- •Binary to Decimal
- •Decimal to Binary
- •Hexadecimal to Decimal
- •Decimal to Hexadecimal
CGS 3269 Exam
Exam resources for CGS 3269
- •Exam 1